Intercultural blind spots lead to decisions
and actions that result in unintended consequences:
a major customer goes to the competition;
a top sales person leaves to join a competitor;
the company is sued for infraction of local
labor laws. Marketing strategies that worked
at home are labeled as unfair and result
in a lawsuit. Suddenly the company falls
from number one in the world to second place.
The more excuses managers make for their
troubles, the more they fall behind.
Human interactions are the common denominator
of any organization. Cross-cultural
communication and cross-cultural management
skills are the oil that lubricates the
wheels of offshore business.
A well- oiled machine is more productive;
it won’t
break down and has better bottom-line
performance since tools and parts won’t wear out due to friction.
Our method delivers targeted knowledge
that is immediately relevant and directly
tied to performance goals—increasing your employees'
productivity and giving your company
a competitive edge.
We work with top executives to arrive at an appropriate
intercultural strategy for the entire company
or a division. This eliminates duplication of
information as well as saving the company time
and money. As it is now, different departments
or divisions often work with different consultants,
resulting in inconsistent delivery and sometimes
contradictory information.
Although our company offers a complete range
of consulting services for companies doing business
overseas, we can’t be all things to all
people. If necessary, we will help you in assessing
the qualifications of other vendors to specifically
meet your needs. We are knowledgeable about
the industry, and with your best interests
in mind will help you to make the best choices
for your company’s cross-cultural training.
We can also help you to develop in-house programs
to address the needs of midlevel managers and
employees who are relocating overseas.
Training, Coaching and
Consulting Services
We work with you to design unique programs to
address your specific business needs. We provide
practical and effective strategies by focusing
on four core knowledge areas:
1. Global
Business Skills—Cross-Cultural Negotiations,
Intercultural Management
2. Pre-Departure and
Post-Arrival Coaching—Cross-Cultural
and Coaching For Expatriates and Their
3. Global
Diversity—Effective Cross-Cultural
Communications and Global
Teamwork Training
4. Human Capital
and Organizational Development—Cross-Cultural
Training and Intercultural
Management Coaching and Consulting